May 25, 2022
On this episode of A Tale of Two Hygienists we welcome back return guest, Dr. Sam Shamardi to have a conversation about finances, supply chain and staffing in a post covid-19 world.
Special thank you to our guest co-host Tameka Lee, RDH!
This episode has FREE CE! Be sure to view your state guidelines to ensure this CE is applicable in your State. You can view all episodes with Free CE here. Take the CE course for this episode HERE
Episode Highlights
- Return of patients after Covid-19
- Supply Chain
- Staffing
- Companies offering solutions
- Expanded function
- Benefits of synergy within the office
- Take time
- Crypto
“I think we will have a realistic sense of things where are in the industry at the end of this year.”
“The supply chain issues still exist, but its getting better.”
“The big challenge now is staffing.”
“As a trained specialist I am unable to do any general dentistry, but a general dentist that receives further training in a specialty can.”
“This model will increase patient compliance.”
“The role of the dental hygienist is under estimated.”
“The amount of stuff that you will find that you are overlooking taking your time with the exam will far outwight the time saved rushing through the exam.”
“The most overlooked thing is just starting.”
“Paying 50 or 100 dollars more per month saves you years!”
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Financial Survival Guide for Dentists