Aug 24, 2022
On this episode of A Tale of Two Hygienists Andrew is joined at RDH Under One Roof by Melissa Calhoun, RDH and Jessica Atkinson, RDH to take it back to hygiene school and refresh our memory about embryology!
Thanks to Tempstars support this episode has FREE CE! Be sure to view your state guidelines to ensure this CE is applicable in your State. You can view all episodes with Free CE here. Take the CE course for this episode HERE
Episode Highlights
“You can’t get nerdier than embryology.”
“You can recognize embryology every single day in your practice.”
“Embryology makes you a better clinician.”
“Those primary 20 little buds turn into our dentition.”
“Dental papilla turns into dentin and pulp.”
“Love might be a stretch…I would have learned.”
“When you can make it the most ridiculous, they will remember it.”
“So much happens in that first 12 weeks, at the end of those 12 weeks we are developing teeth which blows my mind.”
“Your teeth will move until they meet a buddy.”
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