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A Tale of Two Hygienists Podcast

Mar 21, 2022

On this week’s episode of Fast Facts – Coding Edition with Teresa Duncan, MS Teresa gives us a breakdown of code D4381. Teresa highlights the definition, communicating its use with patients and some limitations associated with the code. 



4381 though if you are talking with a patient and perhaps this is previous to doing any active therapy, you can let them know that this is something that you anticipate having to use.”

“The patient shouldn't get two, three, four teeth free just because they have insurance they should have some out of pocket.”

“You also want to have noted the stage of the patient when they presented and what the current grade is for them and of course if your documentation is up to speed with the AAP guidelines you'll already have that templated.



More Fast Facts:

Teresa Duncan Website:

Nobody Told Me That Podcast:

Chew On This Podcast: