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A Tale of Two Hygienists Podcast

Apr 27, 2017

This episode explores the origin story of Kara Vavrosky who some might know as Kara, RDH! You can hear it in her voice that she loves this profession and does everything she can to uplift the more than 140,000 dental professionals that follow her on social media!

We talk social media and its powers

Never say what if –...

Apr 21, 2017


Cherie Le Penske - CEO

Armor Dental


Mission – get patients to understand their biofilm better.

Health starts in your mouth

Ortho, OS, Perio Specialist etc

Making the patient “goodie bag” useful and helpful


Distributers- Henry Schein, Ace Surgical, Patterson and Benco

Apr 14, 2017

Dr. Stefanou, DMD is a man with connections. He has worked hard throughout his thirty years in the dental industry to build relationships with over 270 manufacturers and their sales teams. He understands the psychology of dental sales and of dental professionals. He talks with us about the different options out there...

Apr 7, 2017


While Julie began her career in dentistry as an assistant then hygienist, she took an interesting path through science and research to end up where she is now.

Dentistry is late to the party once again – find out how!

We live in an evidence based world!

Become a life long learner!

School is meant to help you learn...