Mar 30, 2018
Interview starts at minute - 12:40
This episode is fantastic! We spend our time talking about the basics of prosthodontics and move into how that impacts our role as a hygienist. We promise you will learn something new today!
Dr Luiz Gonzaga did the first part of his training in Brazil then his residency for...
Mar 26, 2018
In this bonus episode, we highlight the new dental app called SWYP. Its an aggregator of content (news, articles, publications, podcasts etc), it has discussion forums, a marketplace and so much more! Its customizable to your preferences and easy to use. Visit the website at and search for it in your...
Mar 23, 2018
Eva Grayzel
Interview Starts at minute 11:23
Eva is a survivor of oral cancer. She was at the peak of her career as a professional storyteller when she developed a sore on her tongue. A misdiagnosis occurred and led to an amazing story resulting in advocacy for oral cancer screenings and becoming a champion for the...
Mar 16, 2018
Ep 111 Dr. Rebecca (Becky) Lang, RDH, EdD talks to us about motivational interviewing.
Interview starts at minute - 13:35
In this episode, we talk about why motivational interviewing is important and what the beginner’s steps are. We discuss what impacts that will have on us as clinicians, and also the patient base we...
Mar 9, 2018
Interview starts about minute 12:30
Come listen to Dr. Bryan Laskin, DDS. Dr Laskin has been working on building out software to make our lives easier as clinicians. Using existing hardware (iPads, Apple Watches, Samsung Devices etc) the dental team can communicate quickly and effectively to streamline workflows and...