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A Tale of Two Hygienists Podcast

Jun 30, 2018

Michelle and Andrew spent last week in Amsterdam attending EuroPerio9, one of the worlds leading conferences on periodontology! It was a trip to be remembered for sure!

In this episode, AToTH recaps some of their favorite parts about the conference and discuss the new periodontal classification system. You heard about...

Jun 22, 2018

Interview starts around 5:30

Andrew and Rafael talk about the DSO (Dental Support Organization) that Rafael works with. Rafael had invited Andrew (actually Andrew invited himself) over to Rafael’s house for dinner and it was delicious. When started talking DSOs, we decided to record it.

Rafael aka MR RDH has been a...

Jun 16, 2018

Interview starts at 9:34

Dr Vogel joins us on AToTH to share about his business model and how we can be better about coding. He loves his implant only practice and his employees. He loves using his team to the fullest of their abilities. Please see attached PowerPoint that he shares with all of us. This powerpoint can...

Jun 9, 2018

Episode 123 - Lasers in Dentistry pt 2 with Nicole Fortune

Interview begins at 6:45

In this episode we build upon our knowledge from last episode. Nicole shares her experiences with laser and their relation with implants. She also shares some of her thoughts on perioscopes and all of the other tools she gets to use. She...

Jun 2, 2018

122 Jeanette Miranda talks Lasers in Dentistry!

Interview begins around minute - 6:10

In this episode we learn the foundational principals of lasers in dentistry.

Jeanette Miranda is a practicing hygienist in South Dakota and has been using lasers for years! She has seen some amazing clinical results and has a great...