Apr 26, 2019
This week's TIPisode is with Noel Brandon-Kelsch and is a great reminder of how vital our masks are and what not to do with them!
Medicom sponsors this episode. Head over to their website and learn more about their SafeMask to keep you and your patient protected
Noel Brandon-Kelsch is an...
Apr 24, 2019
Continuing our themes of health and nutrition from the last few episodes, Michelle and Andrew have invited a guest who isn’t just critical of our society’s intake—she has reason to believe it’s the key ingredient in our public health and nutrition crisis, one that needs to be reassessed if we’re to all live...
Apr 19, 2019
This week's TIPisode is with Dr. Uche Odiatu as he discusses why poor sleepers are poor healers.
Dr. Odiatu is a practicing dentist, certified trainer, author, speaker, and repeat AToTH guest. He always brings us content that we can use to make us and our patients happy and healthy. Be sure to check out the many...
Apr 17, 2019
While Michelle, unfortunately, wasn’t able to sit down for this show’s latest episode, the similarly named hygienist Machell Hudson (previously heard on Episode 128) has kindly stopped by to help Andrew interview a fellow hygienist who knows just how important the link between oral health and healthy pregnancies...
Apr 16, 2019
For this bonus episode—powered by Crest+Oral B—we're happy to invite back Sherri Lukes, who previously appeared on episode 103.
Sherri M. Lukes, RDH, MS, FAADH, has been a dental hygienist for 38years. She holds advanced degrees in education. She is associate professor emerita, Southern Illinois University, where...