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A Tale of Two Hygienists Podcast

Feb 24, 2018

Episode 108 Cyndee and Julia teach Airway

Interview starts at 4:15

This is an episode for every clinician and every mother and father EVER!

Returning for the THIRD TIME Cyndee Johnson! She brought with her a special guest Julia Worrall RN, CCRN! Julia works in the emergency department in critical care. She is a craniofacial and airway expert. Julia explains how dental is leading the charge in airway education in many ways!

In spite of that effort, less than 5% of dentists are addressing airway issues.

What should we be looking for and how do we look for those things.

Once you see it and know it - you can’t unsee it and unknow it!

You think your CE is expensive? Listen to how much Julia spends on her certificates each year!

Lots of Links for this episode!

Contact Julia directly -

Storytime with Michael -

THIS EPISODE COUNTS FOR CE! - but read the disclaimer below as it might not count for your state.

Go here to take the test and get your CE Credit!

Approved Pace Program Provider FAGD/MAGD Credit Approval Does Not Imply Acceptance By A State Or Provincial Board of Dentistry Or AGD Endorsement. 1/1/18- 12/31/19 Provider #373236

Griselda Lopez
six and a half years ago

Thank you for teaching me about the Mallampati classification.

Griselda Lopez
six and a half years ago

Great podcast, great information