Apr 21, 2017
Cherie Le Penske - CEO
Armor Dental
Mission – get patients to understand their biofilm better.
Health starts in your mouth
Ortho, OS, Perio Specialist etc
Making the patient “goodie bag” useful and helpful
Distributers- Henry Schein, Ace Surgical, Patterson and Benco
Visit the website to see the videos and testimonials
https://youtu.be/eP4CIf9vk2I -- Patient using Mouth-Mate to protect implant area.
https://youtu.be/xOPCntvxnaQ -- Patient with new braces uses Mouth-Mate to retract cheek and lip areas to improve hygiene and brushing habits.
https://youtu.be/xOPCntvxnaQ --Bone Graft Testimonial
https://youtu.be/xOPCntvxnaQ -- Wisdom Teeth Surgery and patient uses Mouth-Mate to protect surgical area.
https://youtu.be/rTcz2_QNChg -- Mouth-Mate Improves post-procedure hygiene at home. This is a professional marketing video that is great. The others are real patientsJ!
Please go to iTunes and rate and review us! Its important! More importantly, tell friends, tag us on facebook and spam your friends walls with our stuff, steal your friends phone and subscribe to our podcast for them!