Apr 27, 2017
This episode explores the origin story of Kara Vavrosky who some might know as Kara, RDH! You can hear it in her voice that she loves this profession and does everything she can to uplift the more than 140,000 dental professionals that follow her on social media!
We talk social media and its powers
Never say what if – change is hard, but do it!
How does Kara answer “dumb questions” from fans?
What kinds of publications or articles should we be paying attention to?
What advice does Kara have for new grads?
We talk thoughts on assisted hygiene and the ethics of dental hygiene
Where is Michelle relevant? NOT in South Carolina
Andrew says “Screw You Listeners” yet again… further driving away the audience…
We talk about how to communicate with your dentist and what to do when communication breaks down
We talk about the corporate pros and cons
Should dentists share stats and numbers with the dental staff?
Portland Shanghai Tunnels discussion
Shout out to BEN!!!
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