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A Tale of Two Hygienists Podcast

Jan 29, 2021

This week Andrew and Michelle bring you a TIPisode highlighting Halyard dental products, specifically their masks and supply chain management! Learn about how the N95 from Halyard is different than others you may have tried, and how Halyard has come through for dental offices within the United States throughout the pandemic.
Episode Highlights
  • N95 Fit Tests
  • Michelle FINALLY finds an N95 that fits! (Halyard Fluidshield Surgical N95)
  • FDA Cleared - Follow your IFU's
  • Storage Friendly
  • Supply and Demand
  • The Halyard Supply Chain
  • Buy American Made
"In 2020 we all got real comfortable with N95's."
"I failed all of my N95 fit tests."
"This isn't some flippant stuff on the back of the box, this is from the FDA."
"I've heard so many terrible stories about shipping nightmares."
"Halyard has shown their ability to shine, when we have needed them the most."
"From fabrication to shipping, everything is right here in the United States."
Halyard Fluidshield Surgical N95
Your crash course in supply chains, globalization and COVID -19 episode of Business Casual Podcast