Oct 22, 2021
This week on A Tale of Two Hygienists TIPisode we are joined by Steve Pardue from Elevate Oral Care to talk about antiseptic and antimicrobial agents in dentistry highlighting Povidone-iodine and its properties that fight decay.
Episode Highlights
“Hygienists are in the unique position to prevent decay rather than repair it after the damage is already done.”
“Hygienists spend the most time with patients in the dental office, this is valuable time where you can offer guidance for patients to manage their own oral care.”
“These agents are broad spectrum and also kill the good bacteria.”
“Povidone-iodine reduces glucan production significantly which in turn reduces the ability to create polysaccharides and therefore makes plaque less sticky.”
Schedule AGD CE Accredited Staff Meeting 877-866-9113 or email info@elevateoralcare.com
Patient Centered Communication Video Series: http://www.elevateoralcare.com/elevatingcare
Elevate Oral Care Website: http://www.elevateoralcare.com
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Elevate Oral Care Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elevate_oral_care/
More TIPisodes: https://www.ataleoftwohygienists.com/tipisodes/
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