Jul 31, 2020
Jul 29, 2020
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close out this month’s series on ergonomics, A Tale of Two
Hygienists had the opportunity to speak with a posture expert who
takes an evidence-based approach to educating her
Bethany Valachi is a doctor of physical therapy
who is also the author of 80 published articles and
Jul 24, 2020
This week on A Tale of Two Hygienists TIPisode we are joined by Hayley Buckner, RDH who is the e-Preventive Care Consultant Supervisor for Elevate Oral Care. This week Hayley talks to us about how to encourage our patients and help them change their behavior in the interest of oral health...
Jul 22, 2020
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Rounding out A Tale of Two Hygienists’ series
on ergonomics, Michelle spoke to an RDH who found a way to treat
and prevent one of the greater physical angsts that hygienists need
to deal with throughout their careers.
Katrina Klein is a registered dental hygienist,
a certified personal trainer,...
Jul 17, 2020