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A Tale of Two Hygienists Podcast

Jul 31, 2023

This week, Katrina discusses the link between the NUMBER of births and the SEVERITY of periodontal disease. 


More Fast Facts:
Katrina Sanders Website: 
Katrina Sanders Instagram:   

Jul 29, 2023

We welcome Wes Fields into the show today to talk about the persistent bugs and other biomatter that live in the depths of periodontal pockets... and what can be done about them. He explains to us how HybenX (made by Epien) can be used to treat the chronic wounds of periodontitis without antibiotics. 

Be sure to check...

Jul 28, 2023

This week's TIPisode features Amanda Hill, RDH and she talks to us about our self-destructive nature and how that impairs our ability to heal others. In fitting fashion, she brings to you a "Top 5" to help you get out of your own way.



Jul 26, 2023

Today we welcome Tim Ives, a great human being who is on a mission to make the world a healthier place. He has been a longtime advocate of eliminating added sugar to our diet and in this episode he discusses some fascinating research that he conducted with his colleagues. 

Jul 24, 2023

In this week's episode, Katrina gets us an early review of a study that looks at the role that periodontitis plays in neuroinflammation in the brain.


More Fast Facts:
Katrina Sanders Website: 
Katrina Sanders Instagram: